Well, the forecast rain and wind changed to sun and wind, while the promise of some of my flapjack enticed a couple more people out, so we had 9 volunteers.
Emily from Lincs Wildlife Trust had strimmed most of the grassy edges, saving us a lot of work. We split into work parties, some clearing the encroaching blackthorn around the car park fence while three of us started on removing rotten rails and posts that needed replacing, plus any rails attached to the rotten posts. On the task here last year we only managed to replace 2 posts, but this time we managed 4, having brought some other tools to help: a long wrecking bar and post hole diggers helped. We did well with the 4 but left 3 others that still need replacing for other volunteers to tackle.
Once we had cleared and repaired one section of the fence, we started the painting of all the woodwork. In the end it was all hands to the paint brushes to get all the fence painted.
There was a lot of trimming the encroaching growth also along the path, mostly closest to the gate end but the path was soon opened up.
All the cut blackthorn and hawthorn was dragged to the side of the 'iron age' observation hut / hide to build up the dead hedge to deter people entering the closed off part of the reserve. No one will be just stepping over it now!
At lunch we held the Group's AGM. Everyone in a committee position had agreed to carry on and no one had volunteered to take on a post, so the meeting was over quite quickly.
We all worked really hard but had a great day out in the fresh air. We hope the LWT will be happy with our progress in the site’s maintenance.