We had great weather for this workday with Nettleham Woodland Trust and a good turnout of 13, including 5 very welcome new volunteers. As is often the case when we help out at this nature reserve, there was a range of tasks for volunteers to choose from.
The toughest was to break up, shovel, barrow and spread two piles of gravel mix to resurface paths (made harder by the fact that one pile was overgrown with grass). Fortunately enough people stepped forward for that one and did an extremely impressive job.
The second main task was to take off redundant spiral treeguards, setting the trees free to grow and removing plastic from the environment. This required a fair bit of searching and crawling about to reach the guards but gave a good opportunity to see around the reserve. The guards were crushed down in large bags and taken away for disposal.
Other volunteers variously gave the benches their annual oiling, removed weeds from the nursery bed and planted out wildflowers - all worthwhile and much appreciated by the Trust.
Having been reminded that the reserve was only started 15 years ago, we all marvelled at how far it has developed.